Page 293 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 293
1854 – 1906
My curriculum vitae
1854 born and 1857 to South Africa with my parents
1857 – 1863 on Ehlanseni and Emhlangane in Natal
1863 to 1873 at school in Hermannsburg Natal
1873 March until March 1875 with my parents in Bethanie
1875 March until June 1880 at the Mission House in Hermannsburg Germany
1880 – 1900 April, 2. Missionary under father in Bethanie 1900 – 1909 Missionary in Bethanie congregation. Boer War 1910 – 1928 Pastor of the separated Bethanie congregation 1928 – 1942 Pastor of the Rama congregation
Further dates
May 1880 ordained and engaged and went to Africa
1882 Bought Klipkop
1883 Married to El. Martins
1884 Theodor, firstborn son; first daughter 1886
1890 – 1892 Jameson Raid and rinderpest
1899 50th anniversary of the Hermannsburg Mission in Bethanie
1900 – 1902 Father died and war with England
1904 – 1909 With Siebelts and Meyer in Bethanie
1910 Separation in Bethanie; construction of house on Waaikraal 1914 – 1918 World War. Exchange of farms Bethanie. Sale of Klipkop 1921 Took up Rama. 1928 Bethanie back to Hermannsburg
1927 To Brits. 2nd marriage. Construction of church in Brits. Vogelfontein
1926 Gold on Waaikraal. 1942 Rama to Wesleyans