Page 295 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 295
1942 – 1943
Then the congregation sent a deputation to Mr Bottrill, Superintendent of the Wesleyans in Pretoria, and he wrote a letter to me that he would be willing to accept the congregation after a probationary period if nothing stood in the way. I then visited Rev. Bottrill and on 27 December he came with Rev. Kilnerton and Rev. John Malope to Rama and accepted the congregation, every person who still owed the church had to pay first before being served further. The indigenous pastor Rev. John Malope had to serve the congregation; he stayed in Pretoria, 14 Brown St.
My missionary work in the kingdom of God extended over 62 years from 1880 to 1942, longer than hardly any other.
From 1880 – 1928 in the Bethanie congregation
From 1929 – 1942 in the Rama congregation
But I had also served Rama from 1921 – 1928 besides Bethanie and I also served Brits from 1928 until about 1936. Brits is now served from Eben Ezer by Missionary Wenhold with one service per month. At least one evangelist should be stationed here. My dear wife did the sewing schools here in
the Brits location and also in Rama. I have nothing left, can no longer.