Page 83 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 83

Father bought this property for the Hermannsburg Mission, it cost one ox wagon with tent and ₤ 37. The ox wagon had been made in Hermannsburg Natal by the colonialists. Thus father could establish a Christian village on the land of the mission and he could build a church. He was supported by the young Missionaries Müller, Wenhold because they were in Bethanie to learn the language.
For a few head of young cattle, father also had the opportunity to buy 2 young mares from the boers, not knowing that this would be the beginning of God fulfilling his promise that
my father, who had left everything behind and had given all his possessions for the kingdom of God, would receive “a hundredfold” according to Matthew 19. This is what the Lord Jesus had promised and He had to fulfil his promise. But
how he wanted and would do this, was still a riddle!! Where would that come from that father should receive a hundredfold that which he had given for the Lord?! In Ehlangeni and Emhlangane father could put aside absolutely nothing! In addition, the Mission followed Communist principles and nobody had

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