Page 85 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 85

own possessions. For everything you had to submit invoices!! Here two young mares were offered to father and he bought them although the district of Rustenburg was very unhealthy for horses and most of them died during the summers. These two were of the Bossekop breed, small, unsightly with a thick mane, short legs, fat bodies etc. But these two “salted”, that is, they both got and overcame the disease and were thus “salted”, could be outside during the day and the night and had a value of ₤ 30 - ₤ 50! And, lo and behold, they both foaled and also their foals were “salted”, the same with their foals and that
is how it continued, all “salted” and the herd grew and father could sell the horses in due course at ₤ 30 to ₤ 50 a head, the only source from which we got a little money. Because in Communism there was no salary and for everything you used you had to submit invoices. Father and mother with a child lived for a full year spending ₤ 22 in cash!! But God’s blessing rested on the horses and in God’s hand they should serve to fulfil his word of Matthew 19. How this happened, the readers will see in due course.
But what He promises, He shall definitely fulfil.

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