Page 30 - Digital Flipped Book to Teach English Correspondence for Tenth Graders Office Management Department
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Simak Ilustrasi dan contoh Formal Letter

     dibawah untuk meningkatkan pemahamanmu

               mengenai materi tersebut!

    Perusahaan   PT                           PT Sport Media Indonesia
    Sport     Media            PT.        Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 55 Jakarta
    Indonsia      akan         SMI                   12790  E-mail:
    mengadakan                                           Web:

    acara peluncuran                                        5  Oktober, 2021
    majalah      ‘Sport   Numb.   : 06/U/SMI/2021
    Plus  Indonesia’,   Appendix : 1 Page
    yang       akan     Subject  : Invitation Event
    mengundang  Mr.
    Abdul  M.  Ghazali   Mr. Abdul M. Ghazali

    sebagai  Director   Director Speed Sport Indonesia Ltd.
    Speed      Sport    Jalan MH Tamrin No 8 Jakarta 10340
    Indonesia pada, 11
    Oktober 2021 jam    Dear Sir,

    07.30.   Buatlah    It is indeed a great pleasure to invite you for launch of our new magazine
    Formal      Letter   "Sport Plus Indonesia". It will be on:
                               : 11  October, 2021
    untuk               Time   : 7.30 pm.

    mengundang  Mr.     Place   : Studio PT. Sport Media Indonesia
    Abdul!              The event will also introduce the editor and the team that has worked for

                        this magazine. The event will be started with the formal launch of the
                        magazine. Covering all the issues of sport and life style. We felt that the

                        society needs a magazine that will focus on issues related to sport and
                        life style. Thanks for your coming and support in our event.


                                                            Jayadi A. Ghofar

                        CC-cc   : Manager Media

                        P.S.   : Using Monochrome Dress code


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