Page 44 - Digital Flipped Book to Teach English Correspondence for Tenth Graders Office Management Department
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Simak Ilustrasi dan contoh Job Application Letter
dibawah untuk meningkatkan pemahamanmu
mengenai materi tersebut!
September 1 , 2022
Subject : Job Application
Enclosure : 7 pages BXC Company
Attention to: membutuhkan
Mr/Ms Hiring Manager
BXC Company seorang sekretaris.
Jl. Kemayoran, Anda adalah
lulusana Physical
Dear Mr./Mrs. HRD Engineeriing.
Based on the information I received from a BXC Company has a job opening as Secretary. In Perusahaan
connection with that, I would like to apply for said position. Here is my brief biography:
Name : Ariana Keihl menginginkan
Gender : Female sekretarisnya lancer
Date of Birth : February, 12th, 1992
Education : Physical Engineering of UI Jakarta berbahasa inggris
Address : Kemerdekaan Street, North Jakarta baik oral maupun
Phone number : +62 855 654 645
Email : verbal.
I can speak English both oral and verbal. I also have the skill to operate software for the office Buatlah Job
that I believe would assist in the work. Application Letter
yang sesuai dengan
For your consideration, I have also enclosure multiples such as: ilustrasi diatas!
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Copy of transcript
3. Photocopy of Diploma
4. Latest 3×4 photograph
5. ID Government copy
I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills in person
with you. Thank you for the attention.
Your Faithfully,
Ariana Keihl