Page 3 - TLP E-Flyer
P. 3

This programme:
 Inspirational indeed, they live in           Deepens self-awareness and

 their name. Inspired me… pumped              understanding in order to lead teams
                                              more effectively
 me up… they’ve made me feel like:            Encourages people to commit to do
                                              things differently when they return
 ‘Yeah! You can do it!’                       to the workplace
                                              Enables individuals to learn about
                                              the principles and dynamics of high
                                              performing teams
 I’ve seen where my weaknesses are, I’ve understood where   Will help build high performing
 my strength is. I’ve seen where I can improve myself and in   cultures
 turn improve those that work with me.        Aligns individual efforts in the
                                              delivery of a shared purpose

 Our bosses should come, colleagues should come, friends
 should come…. everybody should come!                  Your

                                             This programme is costed
                                                 on a fully inclusive
                                              delegate programme rate
    approach to actually changing behaviour    (excl. delegate flights to
    and performance.  We will help you to
    further develop your existing leadership   the UK). All other costs
    skills to enable you to better be able to        are included.
    lead, motivate and support your teams
    back in the work place.

   6-8 WEEKS                                    2 DAYS
                   STAGE 2 - AFRICA
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