Page 3 - IDG Strategic Thinking e-flyer
P. 3

In this two-day workshop, participants
                                            will appreciate why strategic thinking
 We had a very productive four days and thanks to the sessions with Niraj, everyone came   is an essential skill as they assume
 much better prepared. So much so that we had no more one hour overrun each day. (We   leadership positions.
 used to overrun 4 to 5 hours each day in the past.)
       – Head of Software Delivery Network  Using videos, case studies, group
                                            exercises and worksheets, participants
 All credit to the facilitator, program execution stayed true to the design and is able to   will explore themselves as strategists in
 achieve the desired outcome of setting up the participants to apply what they have learned   their current roles and be introduced
 as well as setting them up to further explore the subject matter.   to frameworks that help in developing
                            – Participant   their strategic thinking skills.

 It is difficult to adapt to a VILT mode when such sessions have traditionally been delivered   Programme Objectives:
 in the classroom. Dr. Niraj did a fabulous job of delivering this session in a VILT mode!
                            – Participant   This workshop will enable the
                                            participants to develop their strategic
                                            thinking skills by:

                                              Comprehending the Triad of Strategy

    At the end of Day 1, a case-study would be   Exploring frameworks to expand
    provided for group work. After Day 2 of   strategic horizons
    the workshop, there is further post-work to
    be completed in the form of an assessment   Scanning the environment and
    and 1-2-1 discussions.                    evaluating opportunities and spot

                                              Developing strategic plans
                 MODULE 2:
           THINKING STRATEGICALLY             Aligning self, teams and partner

          Exploring Trends
          Evaluating Opportunities
          and Threats
          Developing Strategic Plans
          Creating a ‘Strategist Mindset’

                         DAY 2

                    GETTING INTO THE
                                                ASSESSMENT          DISCUSSION
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