Page 21 - Insight ReportV2
P. 21
Transactional HiPo’s Transactional MePo’s
Individuals who consistently reflected as Individuals who consistently reflected as
Highly Flexible or Highly Systematic who Somewhat Flexible or Somewhat Systematic
are operating in a Structured environment: who are operating in a Structured
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname
Flexible Systematic
Does the respondent tend toward Does the respondent tend toward
initiating decisions, giving direction preferring to consult others;
and taking responsibility or action or respecting others views; team
tends to consult others, respect other orientated.
view points.
Score Achieved between +8 to +15 Score Achieved between -8 to -15
HiPo individual on this dimension. Review HiPo individual on this dimension, with good
score across all dimensions. Consider fit to the environment. Review score across
placing in Fluid environment. all dimensions
Score Achieved < +8 Score Achieved >-8
MePo individual on this dimension, with MePo individual on this dimension.
good fit to the environment.
Score Achieved < +5 Score Achieved >-5
LoPo individual on this dimension, but with LoPo individual on this dimension,
good fit to the environment.