Page 548 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 548
NCM 117-Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior
Time Frame
Teaching and Teaching and
Intended Learning
Learning Content Learning Learning Learning Modality
Outcomes (ILOs)
Activities (TLAs) Assessments References/
Week1 1. University Vision, Mission, At the end of the session, Lecture Quiz Student Manual Face to
Goals and Objectives, students are expected to: Jingle Composition Presentation of the revised 2021 face
College ILO, Program ILO, composed jingle
College Policies, Grading Demonstrate knowledge Teacher-managed
system Course Requirement of University’s VMGO, Lecture -
and College policies discussion.
and guidelines, targets,
grading system and
course requirements of
the subject
Week 2 I. OVERVIEW OF a. Define psychiatric Lecture-discussion Paper and Pencil Keltner, N. (2014). Face to
PSYCHIATRIC nursing test Psychiatric Nursing face/Onlin
NURSING Minute papers 7 edition. Missouri: e
a. History b. Explain the Think-pair-share Elsevier Mosby
b. The Mental components of
Health Nurse mental health Role playing Sadock, B. &
1. Role Sadock, V. (2009)
2. Essential Journal search Comprehensive
Qualities Textbook of
c. The Mental Psychiatry 9 Ed.
Health Team Philadelphia:
2. The Mental Health Illness Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins
Videbeck, S. (2014).
Psychiatric- Mental
Health Nursing 7
edition. Philadelphia.
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024