Page 621 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 621

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              7
                                MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                          Week      V.     THE SKELETAL SYSTEM                  At the end of the discussion, the           Lecture-           Pencil-       Marieb 11       Face to
                          6                      A.  Functions of the Bone      student will be able to:                      discussion          Paper test  Edition          Face
                                                     and the Skeletal System                                                Laboratory         Laboratory
                                                 B.  Types of Bone                   Describe the functions of the           work
                                                 C.  Structure of Bone                 bone and the skeletal system         Self                 worksheet
                                                        1.  Macroscopic                                                       directed
                                                            Structure of Bone        Name the four main kinds of             learnng
                                                        2.  Microscopic                bones.
                                                            Structure of Bone        Identify the major anatomical
                                                 D.  Bone Formation                    areas of a long bone.
                                                        1.  Initial Bone
                                                            Formation in an          Describe briefly the process of
                                                            Embryo and                 bone formation in the fetus
                                                            Fetus                      and summarize the events of
                                                        2.  Bone Growth in             bone remodeling throughout
                                                            Length and                 life.
                                                        3.  Bone Remodeling          Name the three major
                                                        4.  Fractures                  categories of joints and
                                                        5.  Factors Affecting          compare the amount of
                                                            Bone Growth and            movement allowed by each.
                                                        6.  Bone’s Role in           Identify some of the causes of
                                                            Calcium                    bone and joint problems
                                                            Homeostasis                throughout life.
                                                 E.  Exercise and Bone
                                                 F.  Division of Skeletal
                                                 G.  Skull and Hyoid Bone
                                                        1.  Cranial Bones
                                                        2.  Facial Bones
                                                        3.  Unique Features
                                                            of the Skull
                                                        4.  Hyoid Bone

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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