Page 455 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 455
NCM 112
should be
performed for Ms.
Anita to manage
her condition
effectively? How
would you monitor
her response to
treatment and
dietary changes?
Week V. Altered Cardiovascular Function: Given an adult client Lecture-Discussion - Written Hinkle, J. L., Face to
12-14 with problems in examinations & Cheever, K. face
A. Review of Anatomy and Physiology cardiovascular and Animation presentation of the and quizzes H. (Eds.).
of the Heart peripheral vascular normal circulation and ECG - Practical (2022).
B. Assessment of Respiratory Function function, the student readings presenting the common Brunner &
1. Health History will be able to: arrhythmias skills Suddarth's
a. Modifiable Risk assessments textbook of
Factors A. Discuss the anatomy - Case study
b. Non-Modifiable Risk and physiology of the Audio clip presentation of the analyses and medical-
Factors cardiovascular and different heart sounds presentations surgical
c. Dyspnea peripheral vascular - Reflective nursing (15th
d. Chest Pain system of an individual Video Presentation of the journals ed.). Wolters
e. Palpitation to serve as basis for different diagnostic procedures, Kluwer.
2. Physical Assessment the nursing care plan CABG, and PTCA - Clinical
a. Heart Sounds performance
3. Diagnostic Evaluation B. Perform appropriate evaluations
a. Laboratory Studies health assessment of during
i. Blood Tests an individual at risk or practicum
(CBC, ESR, BUN, with actual cardiac or
Lipids) peripheral vascular
ii. Bleeding problem
Parameters (PT,
PTT, aPTT, INR) C. Assist and provide
proper health teachings
to a client for diagnostic
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024