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                                            Betty's Dinner: Betty's has a         Fiesta en' Jalisco: Enjoy great
                  Polson                    great 50's look and feel and you      Mexican food on the outside
                                            will always be greeted by Betty!      patio over-looking Flathead Lake
      A&W: From a big-time hunger to        Open for breakfast, lunch &           or inside their restaurant. 110
      a quick craving, A&W has a            dinner daily. 49779 US Hwy. 93,       Main St., Polson. (406) 883-
      burger for every appetite. They       Polson. (406) 883-1717.               5854.
      are made with 100% U.S. Beef
      Steak Burger. A&W can also            Blodgett Creamery:                    Finley Point Grill: Steaks,
      satisfy your sweet tooth. Try our     A quaint coffee saloon with soup,  chops and seafood. Locally
      vanilla soft serve Polar Swirls,      salad, sandwich, pastries, coffee     sourced ingredients, locally
      sundaes, classic cones, and rich      and ice cream. 325 Main Street,       crafted Montana brews and
      and thick shakes. 50205 US            Polson. (406) 319-2552                extensive wine selection.
      Hwy. 93, Polson. (406)883-2288.                                             Located at mile marker 6 on Hwy
                                            Cheer’s: Good food, good beer,        35, Polson. (406) 887-2020.
      Bunkers: Located on the Polson        good times. Located in Pablo.
      Golf Course, Bunkers Restaurant       504 3rd Avenue E, Pablo (406)         Good Coffee Roasting
      offers locally grown Angus Beef       675-2510.                             Company:
      burgers, sandwiches, wraps as                                               Locally roasted coffee and tasty
      well as wine and beer  with deck      Cherries BBQ Pit: Fresh food,         snacks. Located at 201 3rd Ave.
      seating. Call (406)883-8302 for       delicious barbecue, friendly          East, Polson (406) 426-2699
      more information.                     service and great prices. 105 2
                                            St. E., Polson. (406) 571-2227.

                                                                 Trees  •   Shrubs  •  Bedding Plants

                                                                         Landscaping & Irrigation

                                                                      (406) 883-2612

                                                                               Hwy 35 • Polson


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