Page 2 - Tourism Legislation
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               The term `legislation' represents a method of deliberately creating

               new law by state institutions entrusted with the power to do so.

               Among  the  reasons  for  the  growing  importance  of  legislation

               during the past two centuries are the need for greater complexity

               of  governmental  activities,  the  need  for  certainty  in  the

               jurisdiction  and  decisional  norms  of  officials,  the  belief  in

               equality  of  treatment  among  citizens,  and  the  desire  to  clarify

               rights  and  obligations  of  individuals  in  the  society.  Legislation

               includes  the  written  constitution  as  well  as  the  various  statutes

               and  enactment  of  such  authority  in  a  state.  While  the  priority

               attached to legislation used to vary between the civil and common

               law orbits, such variation is gradually losing its importance. The

               hierarchy of legislation proceeds downward from the constitution

               to the statutes to executive decrees by the president, cabinet and

               Tourism Legislations                                                 Page 1
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