Page 4 - Spring 2023 e-Newsletter (ENG)
P. 4
“I am delighted As a trusted national charity, we must ensure our projects are as inclusive as they can
be, and that they are able to deliver for the communities we serve. That is why we
to report that we chose to invest so heavily in our EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) work over the
have continued past year, which includes committing to the Anti-Racist Wales action plan.
to make I am delighted to report that we have continued to make considerable progress
considerable against the aims set out in the strategy.
progress against In 2022, our volunteers have continued to collect litter from our streets, and our officers
the aims set out have supported community groups to carry out their invaluable work.
in the strategy. The Green Flags are now flying over even more Welsh parks, with an unprecedented
number of community spaces joining the scheme, and new Local Places for Nature
gardens are providing accessible green spaces to people in every corner of the country.
A message from our CEO Our Eco-Schools programme is going from strength to strength, and we have also
established the Keep Wales Tidy Youth Board - a group of 10 exceptional young
As we look back on the first year of our strategy for the decade, people who are challenging our assumptions, shaping our work, and bringing brilliant
Beautiful Wales, it is clear the need to protect our natural environment has new ideas to the table.
never been greater.
Whilst the above is all incredibly encouraging, there is no doubt that the coming years
With a strategy like this, it’s easy to worry that no one will be there to join you on the will prove a challenge for many charities in Wales, as well as the communities we serve.
journey, but the response we have had to date has been remarkable.
That is why it is more important than ever that we work with valued partners to realise
We know we could not do what we do without our brilliant volunteers, and I’d like our bold ambitions together – I look forward to strengthening these links over the
to thank everyone who has played a part, no matter how small, in keeping Wales coming year.
beautiful. I’m looking forward to meeting even more members of the Keep Wales
Tidy community in person during Spring Clean Cymru. Onwards!
As well as showing some love for my local area, I’ll be traveling across Wales to join
Litter Champions, community groups, Eco-Schools, hubs and Litter Free Zones on
daily clean-ups.
As a trusted national charity, we must ensure our projects are as inclusive as they can
be, and that they are able to deliver for the communities we serve. That is why we
chose to invest so heavily in our EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) work over the
past year, which includes committing to the Anti-Racist Wales action plan.
I am delighted t o @OwenDerbyshire r e por t For the latest on Owen’s Spring Clean Cymru tour of Wales, follow #OwenvsLitter and #SpringCleanCymru
that we have continued
to make considerable progress against the aims set out in the strategy.
In 2022, our volunteers have continued to collect litter from our streets, and our
officers have supported community groups to carry out their invaluable work.
The Green Flags are now flying over even more Welsh parks, with an unprecedented
number of community spaces joining the scheme, and new Local Places for Nature
gardens are providing accessible green spaces to people in every corner of the
Our Eco-Schools programme is going from strength to strength, and we have also
established the Keep Wales Tidy Youth Board - a group of 10 exceptional young
people who are challenging our assumptions, shaping our work, and bringing brilliant
new ideas to the table.