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Less Engaged School Progression  Secondary School Progression

 Outputs  Target  Total

 Number of schools re-engaged in the Eco-Schools programme   75   93

 Number of pilot schools developing a Mentoring Scheme  3  3

 Number of pilot schools trialling Eco-Coordinators support resource  3  3

 During  the last year  over  170
 different  non-green  flag  schools
 have joined up  for virtual  teacher
 training or pupil workshops. Of these
 170 schools,  93 were previously
 dis-engaged  with the  programme.

 This therefore represents excellent
 engagement  with schools  who,
 at the start of  the year were less   To support secondary school Eco-Coordinators  To continue to build engagement with secondary
 engaged with the programme.  The   to raise the profile of Eco-Schools and inform  schools  the  existing  Welsh  Baccalaureate
 virtual sessions have helped kickstart   and  involve  staff  across  the  school  we  have  provision offered by Keep Wales Tidy has been
 our relationship with these schools   created  an Eco-Coordinators School  Resource  refreshed.  This  included  updating  the  existing
 and a focus for the upcoming year   to give  an overview  of the  programme.  It  is  WJEC  approved  briefs  for  the  Foundation/
 is to continue developing our links   designed to be used by the coordinators during  Intermediate level Global Citizenship Challenge
 with them and help them progress   whole staff in-service training sessions (INSET)  covering  Single-Use  Plastic,  Marine  Litter  and

 towards a green flag award. Pleasingly, we have   Mentoring Scheme  and comes with comprehensive speaker notes  E-Waste. Alongside this, we have amended the
 already  seen  six  of  these  schools  progress  to   We are trialling the mentoring scheme, having   to provide guidance and support for delivery.    resources in  the resource packs  to  be more
 achieve their first green flag this year.  approached  three  platinum  schools  who   current and relevant. These were launched at

 On  a  regional  level,  officers  have  trialled   expressed an interest in being a mentor school   There is a clear focus on links to the curriculum  the Central South Education Consortium Skills
 informal cluster meetings and ‘Road to Green   in the latest round of platinum renewals.These   within  the  presentation  to  clearly  highlight  Challenge  Certificate  practitioners  network
 Flag’ sessions as a means of supporting schools   schools  are  offering  informal  help  to  several   where staff can contribute, and this focus has  meeting.
 as they progress towards achieving a green flag.   non-green flag schools, with the local Education   led to the planned development of supporting
 This year we have seen a total of 16 first green   officer  on  hand  to  offer  initial  guidance.  The   materials such as a subject audit and curriculum
 flags  awarded,  despite  the  continuing  impact   schools are encouraged to share best practice   mapping tools.
 of COVID, which is encouraging – a number set   ideas on how to embed the Eco-Schools process
 to increase when we get to the summer term.   in  school,  as well  as helping  with  ideas  for   The resource  has been reviewed by  three

 It does suggest that a mixture of engagement   actions.  If  this  trial  with  three  schools  works   teachers  and  the  response  was  positive,  so
 strategies (virtual workshops, cluster meetings,   well (we  will  review  the process later  in the   they plan to use it during INSET sessions that
 informal one  to one  support  from a local   year) then we will roll it out further.   are planned  for the summer term  2022. The
 Education  officer)  is  a  good  approach  going   resource is also  currently being  uploaded  to
 forward. It is worth stressing also that supporting   Hwb for wider access by educators.
 schools who are already green flag awarded and
 keeping them  engaged with the programme
 is an important aspect of our work, especially
 considering the challenges schools have faced

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