Page 14 - Eco-Schools Newsletter. Autumn Two - English_Neat
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Innovative solutions
Climate change is a global problem farmers and ranchers, managing
so, to try and address it, people more than five million acres of land
around the world are devising in some of the poorest parts of
global solutions. The Earthshot Prize Africa, South America and Asia.
“believes in the power of human
ingenuity to prove to us all that the
seemingly impossible is possible.” Satellites and AI technology are used
to monitor improvements farmers
This year’s winner for the ‘Fix our make to the soil, tracking its ability
Climate’ category was Boomitra. to store carbon over time. As well as
The world’s agricultural soils have earning money for their sustainable
the potential to store an additional farming techniques, farmers are also
five gigatons of CO2 per year – more rewarded with restored soil health
than all the emissions from global and increased crop yields.
car travel in a year.
More information on all Earthshot
The company, whose name means Prize winners and finalists can be
“friend of the earth” in Sanskrit, found here.
works with more than 150,000