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Eco-Schools Progression    “The Eco schools programme is hugely beneficial and important for schools to take on.

           Our pupils always feel empowered having a voice and making positive changes for our
           school and the wider world. As the Eco coordinator it has been a task but a pleasure to
 Outputs  Target  Total  show off the huge range of work and projects that have been undertaken across the key

 Number of registered Eco-Schools progressing one award level (not   100  138  stages through our topics and as a whole school. Even with lock downs affecting us this
 including platinum renewals)  year the Eco-committee were stronger than ever with their targets and involvement.

 Number of green flag assessments carried out and action plans   280  334  Using Classroom Dojo as a portal to pupils and parents has shone a huge window on all
 produced, including platinum renewals  the Eco work that Corneli Primary achieves every year. This year, staff and whole school
                           awareness of projects and competitions was our strength.”

 This  year  it  has  been encouraging   - Danielle Harris, teacher, Corneli Primary School
 to see  schools  re-engaging with
 Eco-Schools   after   the   difficult
 period they have been through. We
 have  seen schools  re-establishing

 Eco-Committees,   conducting
 Environmental Reviews, planning
 actions and all the important aspects   “Developing Eco-Schools in the way we have done this year has been more impactful
 of being an Eco-School. It is pleasing   than ever before. Every child and adult across the school is now an integral part of our
 to see the number of schools starting   Eco development programme, resulting in an unprecedented level of engagement and
 to progress and move on award levels   enthusiasm. Each class has been able to focus on one Eco-Schools area during the year,
 again.     leading to a far greater depth of knowledge and understanding. The learning reflects so
          many aspects of the Four Purposes and particularly demonstrates the vision and aspiration

 However, we are realising  with  the   of Ethical, Informed Citizens. Our vision is to continue to develop Eco-Schools in this way,

 impacts of Covid still being felt, that   allowing every child to learn about, understand and action every area of the Eco-Schools
 many  schools  need  time  and  our   topics in depth during their Primary School career. ”
 support  to  get  back  to  operating  as   bronze and silver awards) they are on a 2-year   - Samantha King, Headteacher, Upper Rhymney Primary School
 they did before the pandemic.   cycle of renewal. The Education Team supports
 schools to progress and maintain their awards
 We have taken a blended approach to assessing   in  several  ways including  teacher  and  pupil
 schools  for most of this  year. Overall, if a   workshops,  developing  resources,  facilitating
 school  is  being  assessed  for  their  first  flag,   support  sessions,  networking,  and  running
 their  platinum  award  or  they  are  identified   national events. This has been a crucial element   During the past year we have seen
 as  needing  additional  support  then  we  have   of our work this year, helping schools to avoid   more primary schools adopt a whole
 looked to visit in person. For schools that are   losing  their flag due  to  not  renewing  in  time.   school approach to the programme,
 renewing at second or third flag award level we   We  have  taken  a  flexible  approach  to  allow   whereby each class  takes an  Eco-

 have looked to do the visit online but given clear   extensions to support getting back on track after   Schools  topic,  and  carries  out
 guidelines on what we will need to see and who   all the upheavals due to the pandemic.   work  and  practical  actions  based
 we would like to speak to. There is flexibility in   on  those  topics  as part of  a cross
 this  approach  as deemed appropriate by the   The number of registered  Eco-Schools   curricular approach.  This  approach
 Education Officer and the school but overall, it   progressing one level this year is 138, which is   helps  support  the  integration  of
 has worked well this year.  really  pleasing  (not  including  platinum  award   the Curriculum, as well as fully
 renewals) .  embedding the Eco-Schools process
 As a reminder, once schools  register  on  the   into school life.
 Eco-Schools  programme,  they  are  challenged   Including  platinum  renewals,  we  have
 to progress though  the award stages. When   conducted 334 assessments this year.
 schools  receive  their  first  Green  Flag  (after

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