Page 10 - Winter 2022 Newsletter English
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Calling all dog lovers across Wales!                                                                                      The most iconic dog in the world backs

                                                                                                                                 our dog fouling campaign
       Have you spotted any pink pawprints                  The  ‘leave only pawprints’ campaign is
       whilst out and about with your                       based on research by behaviour change

       four-legged friends?                                 experts to ‘nudge’ people into doing the                            It’s waggy tails all-round as we’ve joined the pack        The bottom image is a sneak peek of our Snoopy
                                                            right thing and picking up after their pets.                        at Dogs Trust and sponsored a Snoopy Sculpture             Dog being painted. The final design will be unveiled
       Bright pink pawprints leading to bins                                                                                    to promote our dog fouling campaign via the most           at the art trail.
       are appearing across the country as part             Although nine out of ten dog owners pick                            iconic dog in the world!
       of our national dog fouling campaign                 up after their pets, dog poo remains a big                                                                                     By taking part in the first dog friendly art trail, we
       in partnership with all local authorities            issue across the country. Did you know                              Dog’s Trust’s ‘A Dog’s Trail with Snoopy’ is a hugely      want to encourage dog owners to do the right
       across Wales.                                        that dog poo doesn’t just harm human                                popular free public art trail pawing its way across        thing and ‘leave only pawprints’ when they’re out
                                                            health, but also livestock and other                                Cardiff in Spring 2022 (8 April to 5 June 2022).           with their pets.
                                                            beloved pets?

                                                                                                                                The trail will run for 10 weeks with the opportunity                           Find out more at
                                                            Dog poo that’s left behind can carry                                to host events and clean-ups to help promote our
                                                            harmful bacteria which can remain in soil                           campaign to a whole new audience.
                                                            long after it has decomposed.
                                                                                                                                In October 2021 our Snoopy Sculpture artist was
                                                            Find out more and help us put a stop to                             revealed – the lovely Emily Hilditch
                                                            dog fouling across Wales by sharing our
                                                            online resources.

                Pawprints to bins appearing across          Click To Access Our Online Resources                                                                                                Keep Wales Tidy Marketing & Comms Officers
                   Wales to combat  dog fouling

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Holly & Alex at the Dogs Trust
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