Page 7 - Nautty.indd
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                                                       PEOPLE FIRST

        Every person who joins us helps to shape and evolve the culture further. We find new ways to accomplish more

         together. Every few years we can feel a real difference in how much more eff ec vely we are opera ng than in

         the past. We are learning faster than ever because we have more dedicated people with diverse perspec  ves
           trying to fi nd be er ways for our talented team to work together more cohesively, nimbly and eff ec  vely.

                                Leadership and Commitment to People development

                    DECENTRALIZED COMMAND                                   TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT
           Simply put, everyone leads.  Leaders at all levels        Opportunity and growth emerge from big
            are empowered to make decisions in key tasks           challenges, great teammates, and impac  ul
              necessary to accomplish the mission in the          training. We help our people grow – personally

             most eff ec ve and efficient manner possible.                         and professionally.
           Informa on is shared freely up & down the chain

            of command so that everyone understands not
          just what they’re doing, but WHY they’re doing it.

                        HIGH PERFORMANCE                                 HIGHLY ALIGNED DEPARTMENTS
           Our version of a great workplace is a dream team        All departments work seamlessly together in
           of extremely impressive colleagues in pursuit of       order for the company to be fast and versa  le.

            ambi ous common goals.  It is on such a team         Strategy and goals are clear, specific, and broadly

           that you learn the most, perform your best work,         understood across all departments.  There
           improve the fastest, and have the most fun.  We          is tremendous collabora on between sales,

          are constantly seeking to improve, add capability,    preconstruc  on, opera  ons, accoun  ng, warranty,
                   and push the standards higher.                               quality, and safety.

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