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Santosh R. Lutchmee         A  qualified  Project  Manager  &  Quan�ty  Surveyor  with  over  25
                                         years’ work experience in UK and Mauri�us.
             BSc(Hons) QS MSc Proj Man
         MRICS MAPM ACI Arb PLC Senior

                                         Santosh is a Member of the UK Associa�on for Project Management
                                         (MAPM), an Associate of the UK Chartered Ins�tute of Arbitrators
                                         (ACI  Arb)  and  a  Member  of  the  Royal  Ins�tu�on  of  Chartered

                                         Surveyors (MRICS).

                                         Santosh started as a Quan�ty Surveyor at Rider Hunt, UK, before

                                         star�ng his Project Management career at Rider Hunt Management
                                         Services,  UK.  In  2002,  he  par�cipated  in  the  founding  and

                                         establishment  of  KEYSTONE  to  provide  Project  Management
                                         Services in Mauri�us and AFRICA.

                                         Over  the  years  at  KEYSTONE,  Santosh  has  assumed  various
 Your atttitude is a little              func�ons including Project Manager, Associate, Execu�ve Director
 thing that makes a  Managing Director   and  General  Manager.  He  is  currently  the  Managing  Director  of

 big difference                          KEYSTONE.

       A qualified Project Manager & Civil Engineer with some 17 years of                 hevin SUNGKUR

       construc�on  industry  experience  and  exposure  to  a  variety  of                B. Eng (Hons) Civil Engineering, MSc
       developments.                                                                     Proj Mgmt, MBA Construction and
                                                                                         Real  Estate,  PLC  Associate, ACMI)
       Hevin joined KEYSTONE in 2009 a�er working as a Civil Engineer,
       and  to  date  his  project  management  por�olio  includes  amongst
       others, pres�gious projects such as Villas Valriche IRS, TPC Sugar Mill

       in Tanzania, Le Coin de Mire Hotel Renova�ons, GBLC Apart Hotel,
       Tropical  A�tude  Hotel  Renova�ons,  the  Bio  Ethanol  Dis�llery  at

       L’Escalier, Notre Dame Residen�al Morcellement, Cold Room/Dry
       Store  Facili�es  for  Panagora,  African  Leadership  College  Campus
       and the Montebello SMART City.

       A�er  11  years  of  dedicated  service  to  the  Company,  and  the

       successful project management of many projects in Mauri�us and
       Africa, Hevin was promoted as Associate of KEYSTONE in 2020.
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