Page 3 - Ebook Agus RA Meeting 1
P. 3

Listen, Read and Answer the question!

                             A                   B                       C                     D

               Mr Agus  : Zizi, what are you going to do in your holiday?

               ZIZI           : Nothing much, I’m going to read lots of books.

               Mr.Agus  : Hamka and Imam, what are you going to do?

               Hamka          : We’re going to stay at home and play all our computer


               Mr.Agus  : Zizi, what are you going to do in your holiday?

               Zizi           : I’m going to USA with my mum and dad. I’m going to

                                swim all day.

               Mr.Agus  : Anara, what are you going to do in your holiday?

               Anara          : I’m going to play lots of football and tennis
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