Page 5 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 5
Letter From the President
Peter Jefferies
Greetings, PCMI Members!
As yet another challenging year comes to a close, I want to thank you for your continued membership. Your membership within the Photochemical Machining Industry (PCMI) is crucial to growing professional networks, creating and sharing industry education, and marketing PCM to other allied industries.
Being it was another non-traditional year, PCMI had to pivot again to ensure that we were providing you with valuable benefits and services.
PCMI focused on providing quality and consistent virtual programming with our Educational Webinar Series. Feedback from the presentations has been positive and we are looking forward to continuing this type of programming into 2022 – the next one being in February and including yours truly!
Additionally for 2022, PCMI is planning our (very delayed and anticipated) Technical Conference in Köln, Germany for May 8-11th. More information will be shared about this Conference as we get closer and can see what COVID-19 has in store for us.
Moving ahead, PCMI is focusing on how best to redesign, rethink, and reformat programming to offer the most well-rounded educational and networking opportunities for our members. If there are any additional ways PCMI can help your business, please let us know.
As we transition into 2022, please do not forget to take advantage of the 10% discount by renewing your membership before January 15th! The Board of Directors was pleased to be able to offer this opportunity again for 2022.
Your continued commitment to PCMI will enable us to continue focusing on our mission of providing unparalleled services and programs now and in the future.
We are looking forward to 2022 – hopeful, committed, and eager!
Wishing you, your staff, and your families a very Happy Christmas season and propitious 2022.
Peter Jefferies
PCMI President
Heatric, a Division of Meggitt
Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 5