Page 6 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 6

  Letter From the Executive Director
  Greetings PCMI Members,
I hope you enjoy this holiday season and that you, your loved ones, and your colleagues remain well as we continue to be challenged by the spread of COVID-19 variants.
At PCMI this year, we have worked hard to provide you with valuable educational opportunities through the Educational Webinar Series. The one-hour sessions share technical information crucial to the critical aspects of the photochemical engineering
The webinars have covered a multitude of topics including:
• The Chemistry and Control of Etching Ferrous Metals with Ferric Chloride Solutions
• An Overview of The Operation of Ferric Chloride Regeneration Systems in Photochemical Etching
• New Innovations in Imaging – A Comparison of Conventional and New Light Source Technologies
• Pre-Treatment – Preparation of Metal Surface
• Maintenance Tips for PCM Etching Equipment
Webinars scheduled for early 2022 include:
• Exploring the Different Etchants Used in the PCM Industry
• Solvent Extraction of Dissolved Nickel and Chromium from Spent Ferric Chloride Etchants
During the year, we also conducted a Networking and Educational Forum that brought together members for the first in-person learning experience since the beginning of the Pandemic.
We will continue to work on your behalf to ensure that you receive the membership benefits and services worthy of your investment in the Institute. Recently PCMI published the 2021 Membership Directory, and this publication is the second technical journal of the year. We have also offered members the opportunity to take advantage of the FREE product spotlight website advertising and business referrals.
We hope to resume the in-person technical conference, and the current plan is to gather next May
in Germany and in Phoenix, Arizona in October. We will monitor worldwide COVID-19 variant developments to ensure that it is safe to hold and bring our attendees to Germany. We will be sure to keep up-to-date! Click here for more conference information.
Best Regards and Happy Holidays!
Catherine Flaherty PCMI Executive Director
PS: It is time to renew your PCMI Membership. You can save 10% if you pay your dues by January 15th. Thank you to those who have already renewed their PCMI membership. We look forward to working for you again in 2022!
 Catherine Flaherty
    Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 6

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