Page 14 - PCMI Journal December 2020
P. 14
Member News
PCMI 2020 Membership Directory Published
The 2020 PCMI Membership Directory has just been published in electronic format!
The PCMI Directory contains member addresses and personnel contact information.
It also includes member listings by country, product, and service. Each listing includes links to websites and emails, making it easy for you to contact colleagues in the industry.
Below are two different viewing options for the electronic membership directory.
We hope you find the Directory a valuable resource and the electronic format easy to navigate.
We understand that in a diverse, fast-moving industry like ours, changes are inevitable. If your company listing needs revision or your personnel roster has changed since you last checked the website for your data, please send your changes to
Electronic View PDF View
Are you interested in getting more from your PCMI membership?
PCMI is your link to the PCM industry. You can get more from your investment in PCMI if you serve on a committee. PCMI board and committee members set policy, manage educational and technical initiatives, plan conferences, develop membership recruitment and retention campaigns, and help improve the Institute’s website.
As a committee volunteer, you help the Institute, make sure your company interests are heard and have more opportunities to network with your colleagues. We encourage and welcome your participation on a PCMI Committee! You can serve on the Board of Directors, Education, IT, Membership, or Conference Committee(s).
Cick here to volunteer
Issue 136 December 2020 PCMI Journal 14