Page 15 - PCMI Journal December 2020
P. 15

 PCMI Online Employee Training Webinar
The A-Z of Photochemical Machining
Presented by David Allen, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University
  Module # 1
4 Introduction to PCM products and the prin- ciples of PCM and part design
4 Photoresist types and suppliers
4 The role of photoresists and etch factors in suc- cessful chemical etching
The PCMI employee development webinar gives PCM companies the educational tools needed to provided new workers with the knowledge necessary to perform effectively..
This short course has been specifically designed to educate employees with limited practical experience or theoretical knowledge of PCM. The course covers the basics of the PCM process through all its stages from “Design” to “Finished Product”.
The course covers both technical and economic aspects of PCM and the “buzz words” of PCM from A to Z in an informative but light-hearted ap- proach, as the course is intended as an enjoyable experience in addition to being an educational exercise.
Short Course Webinar
 Module # 3
4 Inspection, defects and quality control
4 Rival and complementa- ry processes - the eco- nomics of PCM in com- parison to other manu- facturing techniques
4 The strengths of, and opportunities for, PCM as a production process
 Module # 2
4 Metals and their etchants
4 The importance of main- taining constant etchant composition and the role of etchant regener- ation
4 Health, safety and environmental aspects of PCM and associated legislation
   Issue 136 December 2020 PCMI Journal 15

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