Page 195 - PCMI Journal December 2020
P. 195

 Introduction to Zapp Precision Metals Facility Tour - May 12, 2021
Presented by: Paul Campbell, Head of Sales, Zapp Precision Metals GmbH, DE
Our Fourth Century...
Hermann Zapp buys a forging press in Ründeroth, a small village in North Rhine-Westfalia
From this day on, our company has continued to be driven by innovation...
»On the basis of tradition, to pursue the new«
Engelberth Zapp Senior, 1730.
This passion for continual development is an essential part of our corporate identity
Sales PRECISION STRIP | Dr. Paul Campbell | Page 3
A competitive edge for our customers, through world class production technology.
Production facilities, offices and service centers in Europe, North America and Asia
A network of its own distributors
and selected business partners spanning the globe
>300 15 1300 ~$500m
Years Locations Employees Sales Solutions
Sales PRECISION STRIP | Dr. Paul Campbell | Page 4
   Issue 136 December 2020 PCMI Journal 2 195

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