P. 86

1. ThankyouCharviforyourthoughtfulessay.Iamreallygladyoufeelthishelps you in your major, and enables you to look at the bigger picture of what computers can and will do. I can see you have pondered the issues we discussed in class, including finding the truth. While some of the issues are perplexing, and challenge us to think about areas of life that are uncomfortable, they should be explored nonetheless. Tech is here, and it is good, but how we use it determines its value. It can go terribly wrong, and at the pace that tech is moving, it gives up little time to reflect since we are just trying to keep up. As extraordinary as the tech we have is now, where it will be in 50 years we cannot even imagine. I thank you for going on this thought journey with me, and remember change is just that, change and not always for good, while progress is supposed to be good. Progress is usually defined by how it makes us better humans. The only thing that truly separates us from the rest of the animal world is we create art. Let us hope technology does not remove or make obsolete the thing that makes us who were are. It was lovely having you in class, and I wish you all the best in your education and in life.
2. Wow!Thanksforanentertaining90minutes.Iamgoingtosharethesame feedback to everyone for the sake of brevity. I really enjoyed listening. Thanks for the invite to the Sprinkles exhibit, I am totally game. I thought the commentary on where to find the truth was really good. That is a new skill that must be learned by your generation and all of us for that matter. Even the great sonnet writers of the 15th century talked about the importance of imperfection and the charm it holds in reinforcing our humanity. You all are such world travelers - going to Prague, Tokyo, Thailand and Cambodia. Traveling is the best education, and I am thrilled to know you are finding humanity through your experiences overseas. I can see you have pondered the issues we discussed in class. While some of the issues are perplexing, and challenge us to think about areas of life that are uncomfortable, they should be explored nonetheless.
The intersection of reflection and tech can seem impossible in a world that is moving at warp speed, but for us to fully understand that not only are we changing the world by the tech we create, that same tech is changing us. It is an extension of ourselves, yet it makes obsolete previous technologies that have kept us united as a people. McLuhan talks about a Global Community, and how it can fracture us rather than unite. In your discussion, you addressed this theme beautifully. You are correct, social media is fragmenting society into sub tribes, where people and tech can be used for nefarious purposes. While science and research are improved by the communication available, leading to faster advancements, it seems the creators have less regard for the actual use of their

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