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UJJIVAN SMALL FINANCE BANK ANNUAL CSR REPORT (For financial year ended March 31, 2020)
1. a Brief Outline Of the Bank'S cSr POlicy, incluDing Overview Of PROJECTS OR PROGRAMS PROPOSED TO Be unDertaken anD a reference tO THE WEB-LINK TO THE CSR POLICY AND PROJECTS OR PROGRAMS
the Bank strongly believes that Business cannot be successful when the society around it fails. the Bank constantly strives to ensure strong corporate culture which emphasises on integrating CSR values with business objectives. The Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") policy of the Bank sets out the broad framework guiding the Bank’s CSR activities. It outlines the governance structure, operating framework, monitoring mechanism and eligible CSR activities that would be undertaken by the Bank. the CSR Committee is the governing body that articulates the scope of CSR activities and ensures compliance with the CSR policy. the Bank’s CSR activities are largely focused in the areas of eradicating hunger; poverty; promoting preventive health care and making available safe drinking water; promoting education, including special education, employment enhancing vocational skill training for women, promoting gender equality, programs for empowering women, projects for environmental protection and any other projects/ programs as it deems fit from time to time.
the CSR policy is available on the website of the Bank at governance-policies.
2. the cOmPOSitiOn Of the cSr cOmmittee
The Bank has constituted CSR Committee in terms of Section 135(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. The present composition of the CSR Committee is as follows:
The functions of CSR Committee include:
a. To formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the Bank as specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and make any revisions therein as and when decided by the Board;
b. To recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities;
c. to Monitor the CSR policy of the Bank from time to time; and
d. To do such other acts, deeds and things as may be directed by the Board and required to comply with the applicable laws.
3. average net PrOfit Of the Bank fOr laSt three financial yearS
the average net profit of the Bank for the last three financial years calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 is `927,203,065.
The prescribed CSR expenditure requirement for financial year 2019-20 was `18,544,061.
5. DetailS Of cSr SPent During the financial year
a) Total amount spent for the financial year
Total amount spent towards CSR activities during financial year 2019-20 was `12,466,821
b) Amount unspent
Amount unspent was `6,077,240
Sr. no.
Name of director
1 Ms. Vandana Viswanathan
2 Mr. Nandlal Sarda
3 Mr. Prabal Kumar Sen
Chairperson – Independent Director
Member – Independent Director
Member – Independent Director
162 | AnnuAl RepoRt 2019-20