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 started off as a cleanliness pilot campaign for surrounding areas near our Koramangala branch in Bengaluru, which was later scaled to 98 locations across 67 districts in 15 states. the Swachh neighbourhood project saw our employees across the country collaborate with the local communities to not just initiate a cleanliness drive but to build a sustainable model by educating the local members in the community on the importance of maintaining a clean neighbourhood as well.
locations adjacent to our branches were identified and the streets were cleared of debris, garbage and littering spots, then the walls and pavement painting jobs were done to ensure that the area remains trash free in the future. The streets covered for cleanliness drive were further monitored through branches with the help of local community and municipal bodies for ensuring the area remains free form dumping of garbage.
Across 98 locations where the cleanliness drive was conducted, 26 kilometers of streets were cleaned, 71 tons of waste was removed and 609 trees were planted. The Swachh Neighbourhood projects have also witnessed participation of 6,405 volunteers including Bank employees, students, members from local community and municipal authorities.
B. Flood Relief Activities
every flood leaves the region helpless, impacting the assets and lives of people. In 2019, excessive rainfall in many parts of the country has caused agony and pain to many people in the regions and jeopardising their livelihood. Bank’s leadership team along with employees from its branches stepped into the areas to meet the most affected communities and understand their immediate requirements.
Bank managed to reach 6,000 families in North and Central Karnataka region through distribution of food grain kits to households and providing clothes, bed sheets and groceries to relief centers. Similarly in Mysore district, 144 families were assisted with the groceries and other daily essentials. Around 200 relief centers in nilgiri area providing temporary shelter to around 1,900 people were facilitated with mats, tarpaulin sheets, blankets and also breakfast for one day was served by the Bank.
In Maharashtra, the floods have devastated livelihood of many families especially in areas of Kolhapur, Sangli and Icchalkaranji. As many of households have become homeless, Bank distributed set of utensils to 3,000 most affected families. Also 775 blankets were distributed as an immediate relief activity. Similarly in Gujarat and Assam, the food packets consisting necessary groceries were distributed to more than 600 families to help them in their hard times.
C. Chote Kadam, a Community Development Initiative
Bank has partnered with Parinaam Foundation, our long-term strategic partner, a not-for-profit Company registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 to initiate and develop a community development programme (Chote Kadam) for the marginalised communities. Chote Kadam’s vision is to work alongside families, corporates, peers and knowledge partners to help transform neighbourhoods across India. The families in the neighbourhood collectively identify infrastructural projects that will improve the environment they live in as well as their quality of life. these projects range from fixing school buildings, renovation or construction of public toilets, strengthening maternity clinics and primary health centres, solar lighting and making available safe drinking water among others.
D. Livelihood Support during COVID-19 Pandemic
“Indian Association for the Blind” (IAB) provides livelihood support to visually challenged community. IAB partnered with a number of corporates for creating livelihood opportunities for visually disabled community. the outbreak of CoVID-19 and subsequent lockdown has affected cash flow of the visually disabled community very badly. Bank has contributed `10 Lakhs under its CSR program; the funds will help 200+ visually challenged families in supporting their daily needs such as food, medicine and other essentials.
7. a reSPOnSiBility Statement Of the cSr cOmmittee that the imPlementatiOn anD mOnitOring Of cSr POlicy, iS in COMPLIANCE WITH CSR OBJECTIVES AND POlicy Of the Bank.
the CSR Committee hereby confirms that the implementation and monitoring of CSR activities is in compliance with CSR objectives and the CSR policy of the Bank.
nitin chugh
Managing Director and CEO DIn:01884659
Date: May 19, 2020 Place: Bengaluru
Vandana Viswanathan
Chairperson-CSR Committee DIn: 05192578
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