Page 192 - Demo
P. 192

         mS. vanDana viSwanathan
  Chairperson of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Brief profile: Vandana Viswanathan is an Independent Director of the Bank. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science from Bangalore university and master’s degree in arts in personnel management and industrial relations from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. She co-founded and is a partner at Cocoon Consulting.
Nature of Expertise: Human Resource Management
 5. StakehOlDerS relatiOnShiP cOmmittee
a. For redressing the grievances of the shareholders among other matters, the Bank has constituted a Stakeholders Relationship Committee as per the requirements of Section 178 of the Act and Regulation 20 of SEBI Listing Regulations.
b. the composition of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee and the details of meetings attended by its members are given below:
 Sr. no.
  Name of director
  Number of meetings during fy 2019-20
   % of attendance
    held during their tenure
  1. Ms. Vandana Viswanathan*
2. Mr. Sunil Vinayak patel**
3. Mr. Samit Kumar Ghosh***
4. Mr. nitin Chugh****
5. Mr. Mahadev lakshminarayanan*****
Chairperson - Independent Director
Ex-Chairman -Independent Director
ex-Member – ex-Managing Director and Ceo
Member – Managing Director and Ceo
Member - Independent Director
1 1 100
1 1 100
0 0 -
1 1 100
0 0 -
        *Re-designated from Member to Chairperson of the Committee w.e.f February 01, 2020
**Moved out from the Committee w.e.f February 01, 2020 due to retirement and resignation
***Moved out from the Committee w.e.f. December 01, 2019 due to retirement. no meeting was held during his tenure ****Joined the Committee w.e.f December 01, 2019
*****Joined the Committee w.e.f February 01, 2020
c. The Chairperson of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee is an Independent Director of the Bank.
d. The Stakeholders Relationship Committee met once during FY 2019-20 on January 21, 2020. All the members were present in the Meeting.
e. the following are the key terms of reference of the Committee:
(1) to resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Bank including complaints related to transfer/ transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, general meetings
etc. and assisting with quarterly reporting of such complaints;
(2) to review of measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
(3) To review of adherence to the service standards adopted by the Bank in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent;
(4) To review the various measures and initiatives taken by the Bank for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of dividend warrants/annual reports/statutory notices by the shareholders of the Bank;
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