Page 196 - Demo
P. 196

         mS. vanDana viSwanathan
  Chairperson of the Customer Service Committee
Brief profile: Vandana Viswanathan is an Independent Director of the Bank. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science from Bangalore university and master’s degree in arts in personnel management and industrial relations from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. She co-founded and is a partner at Cocoon Consulting.
Nature of Expertise: Human Resource Management
 2. laying down appropriate approval authorities for outsourcing depending on risks and materiality;
3. Undertaking regular review of outsourcing strategies and arrangements for their continued relevance, and safety and soundness; and
4. Deciding on business activities of a material nature to be outsourced, and approving such arrangements.
(B) Management Supervisory Function
Monitoring of the exposures (both credit and investment) by the Bank, review of the adequacy of the risk management process and up gradation thereof, internal control systems and ensuring compliance with the statutory / regulatory framework.
8. cuStOmer Service cOmmittee
a. The Bank has constituted a Customer Service Committee in accordance with RBI Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks. The function of the Customer Service Committee is to monitor the quality of customer service extended by the Bank and to attend to the needs of customers. The Committee furthers the efforts of financial inclusion for the customers of the Bank.
b. the composition of the Customer Service Committee and the details of the meetings attended by its members are given below:
 Sr. no.
  Name of director
   Number of meetings held during fy 2019-20
  % of attendance
   held during their tenure
  1. Ms. Vandana Viswanathan*
2. Mr. nitin Chugh**
3. Mr. Samit Kumar Ghosh***
4. Mr. Prabal Kumar Sen
5. Ms. Mona Kachhwaha****
Chairperson - Independent Director
Member-Managing Director and CEO
Ex-Chairman-Ex-Managing Director and CEO
Member - Independent Director
Member - Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director
4 4 100
1 1 100
3 3 100
4 4 100
3 2 67
        *Re-designated from Member to Chairperson of the Committee w.e.f February 01, 2020 ** Joined the Committee w.e.f December 01, 2019
***Moved out from the Committee w.e.f. December 01, 2019 due to retirement ****Joined the Committee w.e.f June 01, 2019
c. During FY 2019-20, 4 (Four) meetings of the d. Customer Service Committee were held on the following dates:
the following are the key terms of reference of the Committee:
To review the controls related to managing/ protecting the interests of unsophisticated/ illiterate customers on an annual basis;
To review the performance of the Standing Committee of the Customer Service;
 Date of Customer Service Committee meeting
  Total number of members
  Number of members present
 May 27, 2019 3 3
July 29, 2019 4 3
November 04, 2019 4 4
January 21, 2020 4 4
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