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 g. List of all credit ratings as on March 31, 2020 obtained by the Bank for all debt instruments and fixed deposit programme of the Bank:
m. the Bank has obtained Compliance certificate from Mr. K. Jayachandran (ACS no.: 11309, Cp no.: 4031), practicing Company Secretary regarding compliance of conditions of corporate governance and same is annexed as Annexure-5 to the Directors’ Report of the Bank.
n. A declaration signed by the Chief executive officer stating that the members of Board and Senior Management personnel have affirmed compliance with the code of conduct of the Bank forms part of the Ceo and CFo certification.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
 Instrument Name
   Amount (` in Crores)
 Long Term Borrowing
Certificate of Deposit
1,459 CARE A+ (Stable)
4,000 CRISIL A1+
  There were no revisions in credit ratings for debt instruments and fixed deposit programme of the Bank during FY 2019-20.
h. the Bank has complied all the mandatory requirements and adopted the following non- mandatory requirements:
a) Bank has appointed separate person for the position of Chairman and Chief executive officer
b) Head of Internal Audit and Internal Auditors of the Bank directly report to the Audit Committee of the Bank
i. Disclosures in relation to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
Number of complaints received during 13 FY 2019-20
Number of complaints disposed of during 8 FY 2019-20
Number of complaints pending as on end 5* of FY 2019-20
*3 cases reported on november 14, 2019 and 2 cases reported on January 29, 2020
j. The Bank has paid total fees of `262.50 Lakhs for all services of Statutory Auditors during FY 2019-20.
k. The Bank has complied with all the applicable mandatory requirements of the Code of Corporate Governance as specified in Regulation 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 46 of the SEBI Listing Regulations.
There were no recommendations of the Board Committees which was turned down by the Board during FY 2019-20.
l. the Bank has obtained a certificate from Mr. K. Jayachandran (ACS no.: 11309, Cp no.: 4031), practicing Company Secretary that none of the directors on the Board of the Bank have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as directors of the companies by the SeBI/ Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority and same is annexed as Annexure-1 to this report.
Biswamohan Mahapatra
Part-time Chairman and Independent Director
DIN: 06990345
Date: May 19, 2020 Place: Bengaluru
nitin chugh
Managing Director and CEO DIn: 01884659
 Number of Complaints
       208 | AnnuAl RepoRt 2019-20

   208   209   210   211   212