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across the country. He gradually progressed to nurturing one
of the most trusted financial institutions in the country with over 17,000 employees, aligned to his mission of serving the underserved and unserved.
Our Bank was listed on December 12, 2019, complying with the
RBI requirement of mandatory listing within three years from the commencement of operations
as a Small Finance Bank. We are overwhelmed with the response that we received from all categories of investors. the Ipo was oversubscribed 170 times and set a new benchmark in the BFSI industry. We will continue to operate responsibly to live up to the invaluable trust that our investors and other stakeholders have reposed in us.
peRFoRminG With StRonG FUndamentaLS
We continued our growth momentum and reported stable progress during the year under review. Here are the numbers that validate our growth story.
• Our total income increased 49% to `3,026 Crores in FY 2019-20, compared to `2,038 Crores in
Fy 2018-19, driven by a growing scale of operations and trust of our customers and stakeholders.
• Our Net Interest Income (NII) for FY 2019-20 was `1,634 Crores, as against `1,106 Crores in
FY 2018-19, registering a
robust 48% growth.
• our profit After tax (pAt) grew 76% to `350 Crores in FY 2019-20 vis-à- vis `199 Crores in FY 2018-19.
• The Net Interest Margin (NIM) stood at 10.8% in FY 2019-20 as against 10.9% in FY 2018-19.
• Our Return on Assets (ROA) improved to 2.2% in FY 2019-20 as against 1.7% in FY 2018-19 and Return on equity (Roe) increased to 13.9% in FY 2019-20 as against 11.5% in FY 2018-19.
• The year saw strong growth
in gross advances by 28% to ₹14,153 Crores in Fy 2019-20 from `11,049 Crores in FY 2018-19.
• Our total deposit base stood at ₹10,780 Crores on Fy 2019-20,
up from `7,379 Crores in FY 2018- 19 witnessing 46% growth. Retail deposits grew by 73% y-o-y and CASA by 86% y-o-y. Our deposits cover 76% of gross advances (retail deposits comprise 44% of total deposit).
• We remained well-capitalised with high liquidity, our capital adequacy ratio at 28.8% with Tier-I capital ratio being 28% and liquidity coverage ratio (lCR) at 254% for March 31, 2020. CRISIL reaffirmed A1+ (Certificate of Deposits) rating in February 2020 and long-term rating at CARE A+ (November 2019).
• We maintained strong focus
on portfolio quality with gross Non-performing Assets (NPAs)
at 1.00% in Fy 2019-20, compared to 0.9% in FY 2018-19. Our net NPA stood at 0.2% in FY 2019-20 (0.3% in FY 2018-19) driven by strong
customer connect along with prudent credit policies. We have created a COVID-19 related provision of ₹70 Crores (0.5%
of gross advances) to tide over the crisis. Also, we maintained
a provision coverage ratio (pCR) at 80%, amongst the highest
in the industry. We have built
a strong network of 575 branches and 475 ATMs with strong digital footprints across internet banking, mobile application, tablet-based origination and phone banking among others.
• Our customer base increased to 54.4 Lakhs in FY 2019-20 compared to 46.7 Lakhs in FY 2018-19.
BUiLdinG a diveRSiFied poRtFoLio
We are well suited to cater to the needs of the consistently expanding aspiring middle-class population
of India. We are now a one-stop- destination for financial services,
Our total income increased 49%
to `3,026 Crores
in FY 2019-20, compared to
`2,038 Crores in
FY 2018-19, driven by a growing scale of operations and trust of our customers and stakeholders.