Page 270 - Demo
P. 270
Notes to financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2020
26 MIsCeLLANeOus
26.1 Provisions for taxation during the year:
Income tax
Deferred tax liability/ (Asset) - (Refer Schedule 18(27)) Total
26.2 disclosure relating to depositor education and Awareness fund (deAf):
(` in 000's)
349,118 342,941 692,059
year ended 31/03/2020
Year ended 31/03/2019
the details of amount transferred to Depositor education and Awareness Fund during the current and previous year.
(` in 000's)
opening balance of amounts transferred to DeAF - Add: Amounts transferred to DeAF during the year 424* less: Amounts reimbursed by DeAF towards claims - Closing balance of amounts transferred to deAf 424
* Amount transferred to DeAF during the year 2018-19 pertains to Additional Security Deposits transferred to the Bank from the Holding Company, ujjivan Financial Services limited (uFSl) , as part of the Business transfer Agreement. As per RBI circular DBR. no. DeA Fund Cell. BC. 67/3- .01.002/2014-15 dated February 02, 2015, the details of unclaimed Additional Security Deposits has been displayed in our website with respect to amount transferred to DeAF. there has been no delays in transferring the amount to DeAF.
26.3 drawdown from Reserves
the Bank has not undertaken any drawdown from reserves during the financial year ended March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019.
year ended 31/03/2020
Year ended 31/03/2019
26.4 fixed Assets
fixed Assets excluding Computer software
opening balance (cost) Additions during the year Deduction during the year Depreciation to date
Balance at the end of the year
(` in 000's)
- 1,681,717 1,346,626
As at 31/03/2020
As at 31/03/2019
268 | AnnuAl RepoRt 2019-20