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the quantitative disclosures cover the Bank’s Whole time Director and Key Risk takers. Key Risk takers are individuals who can materially set, commit or control significant amounts of the Bank’s resources, and / or exert significant influence over its risk profile. the Bank’s Key Risk takers include MD & Ceo, Chief Business officer (CBo), Head- treasury, Chief Risk officer (CRo), Chief Financial officer (CFo) and Company Secretary (CS).
number of meetings held by nomination & Remuneration Committee (nRC) and remuneration paid to its members
number of employees having received a variable remuneration award.
number and total amount of ‘sign on’ awards.
Details of guaranteed bonus if any paid as sign on bonus.
Details of severance pay in addition to the accrued benefits.
total amount of outstanding deferred remuneration split into cash, shares and share linked instruments and other forms.
9 meetings of nomination & Remuneration Committee (nRC) were held during 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020. Further,
2 meetings of Human Resource and Compensation Committee (HRC) was
held during 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020. the members of the nRC were paid total sitting fees of `1,620 (000's) for nine meetings while members of HRC were paid total sitting fees of `130 (000's)
for 2 meetings.
8 employees
(Current MD&Ceo/ ex-MD&Ceo/ CFo /CRo /CBo / Current Head of treasury / ex-Head of treasury / CS)
* `3,799 (000's)
nil nil
"** Cash : `5,268 (000's)
*** eSpS shares : 28,84,837
**** eSop grants : 4,38,190
(Current MD&Ceo/ ex-MD&Ceo/ CFo /CRo /CBo / Current Head of treasury / ex-Head of treasury / CS)"
5 meetings of nomination & Remuneration Committee (nRC) were held during 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019. Further, 3 meetings of Human Resource and Compensation Committee (HRC) was held during 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019. the members of the nRC were paid total sitting fees of `760 (000's) for five meetings while members of HRC were paid total sitting fees of `240 (000's)
for 3 meetings.
5 employees (MD& Ceo/ CFo/CRo/Head treasury/ CS)
`1500 (000's) - (MD&Ceo/CFo/CRo/Head treasury/ CS)
Notes to financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2020
performance Bonus: All employees who are not a part of any Monthly Variable pay but part of the year end performance review will be covered under the performance Bonus plan of ujjivan Small Finance Bank. However, the actual payout of performance bonus shall be paid only to employees who have met our performance criteria.
Monthly Variable pay : employees in the Sales function, directly responsible for revenue generation shall be covered under the Monthly Variable pay if meeting the criteria of the respective scheme. typically some of the entry level roles and upto two levels of supervision thereof shall be covered.
Rewards & Recognition: ujjivan shall design schemes and practices from time to time to celebrate
28.2 quantitative disclosures
employees / departmental / organisational success. these celebrations may include offering tokens of appreciation to employees as defined in specific schemes. Fairness of application and transparency of communication shall be the hallmark of all such schemes. these will be subject to income tax laws, as applicable. examples of such schemes may include: long Service Awards (currently at one, three, five , seven and ten yrs. of completion of service with ujjivan), portfolio Improvement Reward Scheme; Functional R&R Schemes; organizational Rewards Schemes such as: Service Champion; process excellence; Customer Connect Awards; Above and Beyond; Recognition program for liabilities Branches for Retail Deposits; Recognition program for Asset growth in Branches
year ended 31/03/2020
Year ended 31/03/2019