Page 11 - N.Vadino Full App
P. 11

\@[ç[  RSVP~C
                     CO.   FILE  DEPT.  CLOCK  VCHR. NO.  576                                                                                                                                              \@[ç[  RSVPBC
                     ZKX  000094  000100  XN50X  0000240036  1         Earnings Statement                                                                                                                  \@[ç[  RSVPA~

                     DUCERA  PARTNERS   LLC                             Period Beginning:   06/01/2020
                     499 PARK AVENUE,  16TH FLOOR                       Period Ending:      06/15/2020
                     NEW YORK, NY 10022                                 Pay Date:           06/15/2020
                     #(212) 533-3211

                     Taxable Marital Status:  Single                       NICHOLAS VADINO
                     Exemptions/Allowances:                                238 E 50TH ST
                       Federal:    0
                       NY:         0                                       5B
                       New York Cit:  0                                    NEW YORK NY 10022

                           rate  other/hours  this period  year to date
     Regular           6250 00              6 250 00       68 750 00
                                                                          Your NY taxable wages this period are
                    Gross Pay              $6 250 00       68 750 00
                                                                          $5 773 93
                                                                          Your New York Cit taxable wages this period are
                    Statutory                                             $5 773 93
                    Federal Income Tax     -1 101 07       12 125 77
                    Social Security Tax      -381 24        4 197 17
                    Medicare Tax              -89 16          981 60
                                                                        ADP TotalSource,  Inc.,A Professional  Employer Organization
                    NY State Income Tax      -348 50        3 838 10
                                                                        10200 Sunset Drive, Miami, FL 33173
                    New York Cit Income Tax  -223 46        2 460 46
                    NY SUI/SDI Tax             -1 30           14 30
                    NY Paid Family Leave Ins  -16 88          185 68
                                                                        BASIS OF PAY: SALARY
                    Medical                   -95 90*         997 30
                    Ts Dental                  -4 20*          45 80
                    Ts Vision                  -0 97*          10 67
                    401K                     -375 00*       4 125 00
                    Net Pay                $3 612 32
                    Checking               -3 612 32       39 768 15

                    Net Check                  $0 00

                      Excluded from federal taxable wages

                      Your federal taxable wages this period are
                      $5 773 93

                                                                                                             2000  A  DP, LLC

                                                                        Advice number:        00000240036
                                                                        Pay date:             06/15/2020

                     Deposited  to the account of                       account number   transit  ABA           amount
                     NICHOLAS  VADINO                                  xxxxxxxx8862      xxxx xxxx           $3 612 32

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