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Rental Report for NICK VADINO, 6/23/2020 for 2E at Pixel

      Risk Models
      From Equifax
      Risk Model Name      Score                                      Score Factors
      FICO (Beacon)        602                                        Derogatory public record or collection filed
      (Applicant)                                                     Time since delinquency is too recent or
                                                                      Length of time accounts have been
                                                                      Number of accounts with delinquency
                           The FICO score is a widely used risk model that uses credit report data to predict the likelihood
                           of default. It is used most often by banks and credit grantors. The FICO score range is between
                           300 and 850 (the higher the score, the less risky the consumer). In the most recent study, the
                           median FICO score was 711.

      From Equifax
      Client Name          Date                  Last Active          Orig. Amount          Balance
                           11/2019               4/2019               $50.00                $50.00
      (Applicant)          Comments
      Collection Agency -

      Credit Accounts
      From Equifax
      Account Name         Opened       Last Active 30-59       60-89        90+         Past Due    Balance
      BANK OF AMERICA      4/2019       5/2020      1           0            0                       $115.00
      (Applicant)          Monthly      High Credit Type        Comments
                           $25.00       $5,858.00   REVOLVING
                                                                Rate/Status 1: Pays account as agreed
                           Payment History
                              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  0  0
                             6/    4/    2/    12/   10/   8/    6/
                             20    20    20    19    19    19    19
      Account Name         Opened       Last Active 30-59       60-89        90+         Past Due    Balance
      US DEPT. OF          8/2011       7/2018                                                       $0.00
      EDUCATIO             Monthly      High Credit Type        Comments
      (Applicant)          Payment
                                        $26,716.00  INSTALLMENT
                                                                Rate/Status 1: Pays account as agreed
                           Payment History
                              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
                             8/    6/    4/    2/    12/   10/   8/    6/    4/    2/   12/   10/
                             18    18    18    18    17    17    17    17    17    17    16    16
      Account Name         Opened       Last Active 30-59       60-89        90+         Past Due    Balance
      JPMCB - CARD         7/2015       9/2019                                                       $0.00
      SERVICE              Monthly      High Credit Type        Comments
      (Applicant)          Payment
                                        $4,537.00   REVOLVING
                                                                Rate/Status 1: Pays account as agreed
                           Payment History
                              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
                             6/    4/    2/    12/   10/   8/    6/    4/    2/    12/  10/    8/
                             20    20    20    19    19    19    19    19    19    18    18    18
      Account Name         Opened       Last Active 30-59       60-89        90+         Past Due    Balance
      BARCLAYS BANK        3/2018       9/2018                                                       $0.00
      DELAWA               Monthly      High Credit Type        Comments
      (Applicant)          Payment
                                        $4,397.00   REVOLVING ACCOUNT CLOSED DUE TO INACTIVITY
                                                                Rate/Status 1: Pays account as agreed
                           Payment History
                              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
                             4/    2/    12/   10/   8/    6/    4/    2/    12/   10/   8/    6/
                             20    20    19    19    19    19    19    19    18    18    18    18

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