Page 3 - May 2021 Track N Times
P. 3
By Zebediah Dintelman, Manager Rail Grinding
With summer approaching I think it’s best to take this opportunity to talk about
the main risk of working in the heat as well as how we can better prepare our-
selves to do our jobs safely in it. The biggest concern when it comes to pro-
longed heat exposure is hyperthermia (also known as overheating). This sets in
when your body’s temperature exceeds 104 degrees Fahrenheit because it can no
longer adequately regulate its own temperature. So, who’s at risk for hyperther-
mia? Well, every single one of us, but there are factors that can put you more at
risk than others. Before going out for your shift in the heat ask yourself these
Am I dehydrated?
Do I have poor circulation or the inability to sweat?
Do I have a heart, lung, and/or kidney disease or any other illness that weak-
ens my body?
Do I have a medical condition that requires me to restrict salt?
Do I have reduced sweating due to taking diuretics or other medications?
Am I over / underweight?
Have I overindulged in alcohol recently ?
All of these among other factors put you at a greater risk of experi-
encing hyperthermia. Whether you answered yes to any of these
questions or not it’s highly recommended that you take these steps
towards better preparing and caring for your body when working in
the heat. If you know you have a shift coming up that will require you
to work directly in the heat it is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine as
these act as diuretics and will speed up dehydration in the body. Try
to avoid eating heavy meals / hot foods before heading into work as
this will naturally add heat to your body. When getting dressed for
work you want to opt for loose-fitting, light weight and lightly colored
clothes that will reflect heat / sunlight but still cover most of your skin.
This one goes without saying but you need to make sure you are
drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your shift. Now let’s
talk about what you can do during your shift to help reduce the risk of
experiencing hyperthermia. Naturally we all tend to experience exces-
sive sweating when in the heat for long periods of time. However, our
bodies lose necessary salts and minerals through our sweat so consid-
er taking along fruit juices / sports drinks to replenish these through-
out the day. As mentioned, it is not a good idea to eat heavy meals
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Page 1 MAY 2021