Page 17 - October 2022 Track N Times
P. 17


          Jeff Anderson, Senior Technical Trainer

           Tell me a little more about how you started with Loram, how did you hear about the job, which positions
           you’ve held?  I was originally hired by GREX, a friend of mine referred me. I started off as a Slot Train Operator, I
           was also an SPS Operator, Aurora Xi Operator, GREX and Loram Field Safety Specialist, and now my current role.

           What do you enjoy most about working at Loram?  My co-
           workers, I have enjoyed all the relationships I have formed
           over the years.

           What is your favorite memory from this past year? Seeing
           my friends get the promotions they worked hard for.

           Where is your hometown and what is the best thing about
           it? Barbourville, Kentucky. The best thing about Barbourville is
           it’s a friendly small town. #DBF

           Do you have any hobbies?  I have too many to list, LOL! I enjoy a lot of things, DIY projects, being outdoors,
           family, backpacking/hiking, and anything that interest me.

           What is something about yourself that would surprise your coworkers? I enjoy building scale military dioramas
           that are true and accurate to the actual event(s).

           What is the biggest challenge you face on the road and how does it affect your life?  How do you deal with
           it? The biggest challenge is just the time away from my family, especially my granddaughters. We Face Time each
           other a lot to keep connected while I am in Hamel, MN.

           What is the best advice anyone has given you, and who was it from?   The advice came from my grandfather,
           “Work hard, be a strong husband/father, and mind your own business”.

           What advice would you give a new employee at Loram? Be engaged, ask a lot of questions, and have fun. This is
           a hard job, but it is a rewarding career.

           How do you pass time when you get a day off? I work around the house and spend time with my family.

                                                                                                 Continued Page 15

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