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$  500           OFF                                                                                                 Your Pueblo Garage Door Experts!                                            $10 OFF

                    FULL ROOF                                                                                                          Sales                                                                  Any service or repair!
                  REPLACEMENT                                                                                                                                                                                  Must present coupon, cannot be combined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with other offers. Expires 5/31/21
                    Minimum 15 roofing squares.                                                                                       Service                                                                   DNL GARAGE
                        - OR -
               $  100           OFF                                                                                                 We service all                                                               719-543-0555

                   ROOF REPAIR                                                                                                      makes and                                                                FREE KEYLESS
                     $450 minimum project
                                                                                                                                                                                                            with purchase of replacement operator
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               Not to be combined with any other offers or previously priced or                                                                                                                                  with other offers. Expires 5/31/21
                     current projects. Expires 5/31/21.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                DNL GARAGE
               $  350           OFF                                                                                                                                                                              719-543-0555

                       ANY                                                                                                                                                                                     $50 OFF
                 WHOLE HOUSE                                                                                                                                                                                Any replacement garage door!
                  EXTERIOR OR                                                                                                                                        719-543-0555         Serving Pueblo &     Must present coupon, cannot be combined
              INTERIOR PAINT JOB                                                                                                                                     2619 Farabaugh Ln.   Surrounding Areas      with other offers. Expires 5/31/21
                                                 Local Family Owned and Operated     % %                                                                             Pueblo, 81004                              DNL GARAGE
                            719-259-2410           by Casey and Meagan Hickox     0 0                                                                                Locally owned by Lance & Dee Guarienti      719-543-0555
               Not to be combined with any other offers or previously priced or
                     current projects. Expires 5/31/21.  • GAF Master Elite Contractors  FINANCING
                                               • 50 year Golden Pledge Warranty  AVAILABLE
               $  500           OFF            • Licensed and Insured            wac        ROOFING                                  Non-Toxic                             DRY IN                             3 ROOMS                         Non-Toxic                            DRY IN
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               STUCCO RESTORATION                   INSURANCE SPECIALISTS                          only      $125                                                                                           only     $125
                   with elastomeric coating to
                modernize & protect your stucco home  GUTTER INSTALLATION                            Cannot be combined with other offers.                                                                   Cannot be combined with other offers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Up to 500 sq ft. Must present coupon.
                                                                                                     Up to 500 sq ft. Must present coupon.
                        - OR -                     • Repair and Leaf Protection Systems     PAINTING        Exp. 5/31/21                                                                                       719-561-9447
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Exp. 5/31/21
                   FULL HOUSE                          • Residential & Commercial
                 SIDING PROJECT                              PAINTING                             $50 OFF                                                                                                  $50 OFF
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                                                       • New Siding & Siding Repair                 Must present coupon. Cannot be combined                                                                 Must present coupon. Cannot be combined
               $  150           OFF              RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL                             719-561-9447                Residential &                                                                719-561-9447                Residential &
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                  minimum project size of $900          Call us for a FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE                                      Locally Owned                                                                                           Locally Owned
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                                                    on insurance repairs or to discuss your project ideas.                                                                                                    (Up to 2 pieces)
                            719-259-2410                                                           Must present coupon. Cannot be combined   in Pueblo                                                      Must present coupon. Cannot be combined   in Pueblo
                                                                                                                                                                                                               with other offers. Exp. 5/31/21
                                                                                                       with other offers. Exp. 5/31/21
               Not to be combined with any other offers or previously priced or   719-259-2410 •                   Since 1997!                                                              719-561-9447                    Since 1997!
                     current projects. Expires 5/31/21.
              56                                                                      Look for the next QC issue June 2021        For Advertising Information call Quality Connections at 719-287-8105                             57
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