Page 35 - Tranquil Haven Villa Brochure
P. 35
lobal Brands Used for Construction
Product: Product: Product: Product: Product: Product:
Ironmongery Sanitary fittings – toilets, washbasin, faucets, Balcony Doors, Windows, Ventilators Switches - Blenze Plus Paints Swimming Pool
Features: Features: Features: Features: Features:
Silver-ion technology, inhibits bacteria, algae, Features: The engineered blend used in Venster Long-lasting performance & low maintenance Wall paints made by Berger paints are Rot-proof & environment-friendly recycled
yeast, fungus, mold & mildew. High-efficiency toilets can help you save up windows is UV stabilized which gives it a long costs. washable, compared to other brands. material.
These products are non-toxic & last for a to 16,500 gallons of water annually. life. Anti-single pin entry shutters in sockets. Berger paints products are lead-free, and Sturdy polypropylene combines with
lifetime. The durability of these products is The multi-chambered design of Venster Switches are resistant to heat and thus safer. concrete.
Designed & manufactured under a certified redefining personal comfort and cleanliness. profiles prevents the transfer of heat inside discoloration due to aging and humidity These paints do not attract insects. Resistant to frost and ground movements.
ISO 9001 quality system. A varied range of innovative designs. the house. The satin matt finish and single window Paints are anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Low maintenance (no scrubbing or grouting
These products are resistant to corrosion. Modern aesthetic designs that add the Venster windows are lead-free ensuring the aperture eliminate dust accumulation These products are weatherproof. required)
With quick lever handing and a tamper- much needed luxury to your home. good health of you and your family. Non toxic and safe for humans They offer high quality of paints Formulated and treated for extra UV
proof, quick-reversible latch bolt, lockset Weather-proof windows that keep rainwater protection.
handling take seconds. and wind away from the house. Filtration up to 6 microns ensures no red
eyes, itching or bleaching of skin.
Elixir Doors
Make Superior Quality a Part of Your Life
Product: Product: Product: Product: Product: Product:
Solid Wood Doors & Wooden Frames CPVC & PVC Plumbing Material Sewage Treatment Plant Wires - FRLS Balcony & Outdoor Tiles, Bathroom Tiles DB Boxes, MCBs, Metal Boxes
Features: Features: Features: Features: Features: Features:
Long-lasting wooden doors and frames with The pipes are resistant to heat and don't Unique technology for treating the sewage in a Capable of handling 105°C temperature alone Weatherproof heavy-duty tiles made to last Innovative column designs in a glossy, pearl-
superb aesthetics, looks, and finishing. release any toxicity at higher heat levels decentralized, self-sustainable manner using with excellent fire, heat retardant & non-toxic long in all weather conditions ivory shade
Weather-proof materials ensure that your assuring safety. underground chambers without the use of characteristics. After prolonged usage print quality remains Premium looks
doors and frames retain their perfection. Highly resilient, tough & durable with high power, chemicals, or human intervention. ConFlame ensures better reliability, energy the same Quick installation
UV Lacquer and the polishing line is used tensile strength and high impact strength. Using Biomimicry, regenerative innovation efficiency & the highest level of safety during A glazed surface with a protective layer on Easy maintenance with un-compromised
that gives you and your family a healthy The pipes are UV stabilized & designed for inspired by nature, the ECOSTP utilizes a fire. printing ensures completely strain-proof tiles safety
living environment. over 50 years of life. functional principles and strategies of Steam and boiling water resistant & anti- High Strength and Scratch Resistance Greater mechanical & electrical life
Factory finished door sets that are built to fit These pipes & fittings are manufactured microorganisms and the ecosystem found in a rodent. Less than 0.08 % water absorption Inbuilt adjustable temperature protection
each and every space perfectly. using NSF-certified CPVC material. cow’s stomach. Higher flexibility for easy handling & longer High resistance capacity
This can treat waste ranging from 5 KLD to 1 life.
MLD. Lead-free non-toxic alternatives.
Zero power and moving parts ensure easy
maintenance and low on pockets.