Page 31 - Issue 3
P. 31

GRAPPLER  Summer 2019

 “Train or cry. Which one do you wanna do? Sometimes   to compliment her strength and grip after. Even though
 it’s both.”  she was eliminated, she still achieved her goal.

 She earned her black belt but had never competed. She   “I knew then I was a black belt,” she says.
 felt like she needed that experience to validate her rank.                          I’M NEVER
 That was five years ago. Today she focuses on expanding
 Her knees were shot from roller derby long before she   her gym, where she lives, that has an adjoining door
 started training. She wore #7 on the track, “Blue-Eyed   which leads into her barbershop. She teaches in the
 Hellion” printed on the back of her jersey.   morning and cuts hair in the afternoon. And if that   GONNA USE
 wasn’t enough, she plans to add a second level and
 “We were sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon. We didn’t   coffee bar to her already impressive compound.
 skate for money, we skated for beer.”
 She’s also an advocate for Pretty Dangerous                                                THIS
 She would be one of the oldest athletes competing as   Women, an organization predicated on leadership
 well, at 44 years old. Plenty of reasons not to, none of   and empowerment for women within the Jiu-Jitsu
 them good enough.      community. They organize events and teach seminars,
 followed  by  an  open  mat  session.  It’s  a  brilliant  way                   “I  was  alone.  I’m  at  Pete’s  Bar.  I’m
 “How am I gonna find out if I”m a blackbelt if I don’t   to bring females together if there aren’t many other   standing here at the bar getting my
 train with other females?”  women where they train. She is scheduled to teach at an   drink, and here comes this tall guy, and
 event in Orlando next month (April 2019), co-sponsored                           he keeps doing this to the girls: walk
 Beech entered a two-month training camp to prepare   by Jiu-Jitsu Gypsies.       to  this  girl  [step  in  close  behind  her],
 for her very first tournament, the World Championships.                          put his weenie on their butt. Next girl,
 She underestimated how different women’s bodies feel   She’s the only female black belt in town, but she expects   weenie on their butt. So he’s walking
 in  combat  and admits she  didn’t  fully  understand  the   that to change very soon.  down,  and  I’m  seeing  him  [do  this].
 rules. She lost on points, but her opponent made a point                         I  get  distracted...and  he  makes  it  to
                                                                                  me. So I spin around, grab him by his
                                                                                  collar and BOOM! He went backwards
                                                                                  and slid across the table [behind him].
                                                                                  He’s down, and next thing you know,
                                                                                  the bouncers grabbed him and took
                                                                                  him out. Everyone was saying ‘that’s
                                                                                  so  cool’.  It  was  a  movement  from
                                                                                  Hawaiian  Jiu-Jitsu,  how  to  base  and
                                                                                  push someone off their balance.”

                                                                                  All  I  can  picture  is  Cassandra  kicking
                                                                                  ass at The Gasworks in Wayne’s World:

                                                                                  “Rough night, huh? Everybody’s kung
                                                                                  fu fighting.”

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