Page 53 - Issue 3
P. 53

GRAPPLER  Summer 2019

 DIAMOND                                                      while doing any kind of physical training is the habit of

                                                                 Perhaps the most difficult natural reaction to unlearn

                                                              holding your breath. The average breathing rate for an
                                                              adult at rest is 12-20 breaths per minute. People new to
 DAVE                                                         Jiu jitsu, however, hold their breath all the time, even

                                                              while drilling. More experienced Jiu jitsu players breathe
                                                              better while drilling, but still hold their breath while

                                                                 It’s not only a matter of holding your breath. It’s a
                                                              matter of breathing correctly. It’s a matter of breathing
                                                              throughout a movement or a series of movements. Of
                                                              timing breath to action, reaction, and repose.  Think of
                                                              a swimmer’s technique. Have they mastered swimming
 DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH                                       or breathing?
                                                                 The maxim that “You can’t grapple if you can’t
                                                              breathe because you’re dead” goes far in explaining the
                                                              innate relationship between grappling and breathing.
 There is no other human characteristic more human            The better breather is the better grappler. Think of the
 than grappling, except breathing (Bipedalism is a close      last time you grappled Coach. Who was breathing harder?
 second).  Humans have been grappling for two hundred
 thousand  years.  That’s  when  homosapiens  first  show        There are countless exercises to improve breathing.
 up in the fossil record. Premodern humans from various       Add  one  to  your  workout.  If  you  find  yourself  sucking
 branches of the evolutionary tree date back to about 66      during a roll, take three controlled breaths. Control your
 million years ago.                                           breathing to control your opponent’s breathing.

 Scientists from various disciplines continue to add to
 the wealth of information about how these people lived.      “Whenever I feel blue, I start
 Thanks to anthropology, archaeology and the Human            breathing again.” ~Frank L. Baum
 Genome Project we know when, where, and how these
 people  lived. We know  what they  ate and  drank, what
 they wore, what tools they made, and who they screwed.
                                                              “Piggy couldn’t breathe well because
 We also know they grappled. But we don’t need much           he had asthma. That’s not why he died
 scientific evidence that early humans grappled. We can       in William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’.
 rely on our own experience. Grappling comes natural          Nobody walks away from a boulder-
 to us. Think of your childhood. Think of those friendly      smashing-their-brains-out ambush.”
 wrestling matches that often got out of hand. Grappling      ~Dick Kicker
 is human.

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