Page 19 - March 2018 Newsletter
P. 19

SolarSauk County

Home and business owners throughout Sauk County have an

opportunity to take advantage of competitive solar pricing

through a limited-time solar group purchase program. Solar

Sauk County is a solar group buy program that can help

property owners invest in lower cost solar installations

through the power of volume-purchasing. This FREE,

one-hour seminar educates homeowners and small business

owners on the benefits of solar energy and is the first step to

participate in the program. ALL SAUK COUNTY HOMEOWNERS                                                        OPPFEURNABELLETILOCAA!NTRHDEE


3/21/2018 Wednesday 2:00 PM            4/25/2018 Wednesday 2:00 PM      5/23/2018 Wednesday 2:30 PM
County West Square Building County     J's Pub & Grill                  GreenTTEC Building
Board Room & Gallery                   280 Viking Dr, Reedsburg         1110 Leed Parkway, Plain
505 Broadway, Baraboo

3/21/2018 Wednesday 6:00 PM            4/25/2018 Wednesday 6:00 PM      5/23/2018 Wednesday 5:30 PM
Driftless Glen Distillery              J's Pub & Grill                  Kraemer Library
300 Water St, Baraboo                  280 Viking Dr, Reedsburg         910 Main St, Plain

4/10/2018 Tuesday 2:30 PM              5/8/2018 Tuesday 2:00 PM         6/6/2018 Wednesday 2:00 PM
Spring Green General Store             Home Range Hall at Aldo Leopold  County West Square Building Room B24
137 South Albany Street, Spring Green  Foundation                       505 Broadway, Baraboo
                                       E13701 Levee Road, Baraboo
                                                                        6/6/2018 Wednesday 6:00 PM

4/10/2018 Tuesday 5:30 PM              5/8/2018 Tuesday 6:00 PM         Driftless Glen Distillery
Spring Green Area Chamber of           Home Range Hall at Aldo Leopold  300 Water St, Baraboo
Commerce                               Foundation
208 N Winsted St, Spring Green         E13701 Levee Road, Baraboo

4/16/2018 Monday 3:00 PM               5/14/2018 Monday 3:00 PM             Sign up and learn more at
Blue Spoon                             Blue Spoon
550 Water St, Prairie Du Sac           550 Water St, Prairie Du Sac

4/16/2018 Monday 6:00 PM               5/14/2018 Monday 6:00 PM
Blue Spoon                             Blue Spoon
550 Water St, Prairie Du Sac           550 Water St, Prairie Du Sac

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