Page 7 - The Suffering of Ecochoko
P. 7

The Suffering of Ecochoko

          These were places that he had grown to love and

          treasure. He wished he could have taken her for

          Fish Fry - the weekly Thursday celebration where
          thousands of  tourists  and  locals socialized.  They

          usually enjoyed and sampled the food and drinks,

          and listened to relaxing music. He loved it there

          but usually stayed just for a few hours because it

          was frequently left filthy with discarded garbage.
          However, due to ‘Corona’ this weekly celebration

          had been cancelled.

          However, Eco became very suspicious of Pollution

          during this time because the new girl took in all
          the beauty, but never spoke a single word!

          “Pollution  is  something  wrong  with  you?”  Eco

          asked the curiously silent girl.

          She stopped and turned around as slow as a snail
          and gestured no by shaking her head.

          “Hmmmmm,”  he  said  as  he  continued  walking.

          She followed closely behind him until they came

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