Page 8 - The Woman of the Night
P. 8
The Woman of the Night
She lured him out into the dark of the night far
away from the party. Once they were in the woods
Craig quickly realized just exactly what and who
Reysher was, but his cries for help went unheard as
he met a fatal end.
Reysher walked back to the party still hungry for
more. When she arrived back at the banquet, she
ran into Kalil who was searching for his best friend,
Craig. She assured him that Craig was unwell and
went home early, Reysher sat with Kalil and talked
to him but what she didn’t realize was that Nigel
was lurking in the shadows, listening to everything
and trying to figure out who this stunning and
unusual woman really was. Nigel started asking
people in the crowd if they saw when Craig left, but
when nobody could answer him, he started to get
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