Page 11 - Quarantine Finds_Neat
P. 11

Quarantine Finds

         Out of this was born the idea of teaching us to play

         cricket  the  old    fashioned  way.    We  gathered  old
         coconut       bats     and      the      shriveled,     dried,

         discarded coconuts as balls. I never knew that my

         eyes  and  limbs  worked  so    perfectly  together.

         Hitting fours and sixes became my favorite thing to

         do everyday.  My little brother just enjoyed being
         able to run around the yard in the hot sun.

         On the many days that we trekked throughout out

         the  backyard,  our  finds    were  always  interesting.

         We  saw  waterfowls,  snakes,  dragonflies,  ladybugs.
         We  even  saw  more  iguanas  lazing  about  in  the

         trees  or  dashing  across  our  yards  in  search  of

         water.  When the sun got too hot, my brother and I

         would  wander  to  the  adjoining  property  to  climb

         tamarind trees, and suck yellow, juicy mangoes of
         different varieties.

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