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In alignment with the CARICOM Human Resource Development 2030 Strategy, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®), is building on its 48 years of achievements with continual emphasis on equipping students with a quality education through ICT enhanced resources that will contribute to the development of the human capital of the Caribbean people and to fostering of the ideal Caribbean person.
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) is mindful of the changing educational landscape which requires a strong technological focus on the digital transformation of teaching, learning and assessment. Accordingly, the Council has embarked on a journey towards transforming to a digital enterprise in an effort to augment its impact on human capital development specifically as it relates to the provision of innovative educational products and services that will advance the transformation of the regional education system, thus contributing to regional integration and development. These technologically enhanced products and services are well aligned with the global education and assessment forecasts.
Notwithstanding the strategic intent, the existing environment both globally and regionally present challenges that must be addressed for successful execution of the strategy. A comprehensive environmental analysis provided valuable insights about the prevailing conditions and guided the development of the strategic plan 2021 – 2025. The following situational analysis provides the details.