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   3.1 The Vision
Given the transformation agenda and stakeholders’ expectations of CXC® it became evident that in order to remain relevant and competitive the vision of CXC® needed to change. Consequently, a new vision was developed to reflect the desired state of CXC® in five years. This new vison is articulated as follows:
3.2 The Mission
Similarly, the mission of CXC® was also reviewed to ensure alignment with the vision and to provide clarity on the regional good to be executed by CXC®. Accordingly, a new mission was developed as follows:
 A digitally transformed enterprise providing quality, relevant and globally recognised educational services.
 We develop the human capital of our Caribbean people through partnerships for global competitiveness.
 3.3 The Core Values
The Council’s core values, outlined in Table 2, which serve to guide decision making and the behaviour of employees remain valid and therefore unchanged. Emanating from the strategic review of the core values and in keeping with the people- centred approach, the “ResPECT” initiative, an acronym formed from the core values, is created to recognise and reward staff who exemplify these values.
Table 2: Core Values Definition
   1. Results Oriented
 • We hold ourselves accountable for meeting individual and shared objectives that contribute to CXC®’s goals
 2. Professionalism
  • We demonstrate respect and instil confidence in our interactions with each other and our stakeholders
 3. Excellence
  • We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards
   4. Customer Focus
 • We aim to exceed our customers’ expectations by continuously evaluating our quality of service
 5. Teamwork
  • We are united in our commitment to achieving CXC®’s goals

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